Adeptus Titanicus
Civitas Imperialis
Adeptus Titanicus custom table delivered to a very happy customer. This is probably the craziest project I have ever worked on. Hundreds of hours, over $5,000 of material, thousand of individual parts, and hundreds of dollars of paint made this awesome project happen. In total there are about 50 models and dozens of buildings on a 6 foot by 4 foot layout.
The board is themed around Legio Astorum defending an Orbital Defense Laser from the traitorous Legio Carnivora (the red and white Chaos titans). The project took several hundred hours. It consists of 6 Forge world tiles and 5+ of the big building boxes plus some other bits from various GW Kits.
The worst part was the 150 doors and 5,086 windows on the buildings that needed to be hand painted. The bulk of the work was done with spray cans and an airbrush. The road markings were done in an enamel paint marker over masking fluid. I had to make a city board but the titans were already based so the colors had to work well with them (greys and browns with scattered foliage). I didn't want just a desolate city so there are splashes of other colors and trees + foliage on the outskirts to break up the greyness. - Viet Win