Legio Gryphonicus Titan Maniple


The War Griffons

Because one titan maniple wasn’t enough to paint in a lifetime, I painted another! This time for Michael Horner, the owner of War Room Hobbies in Memphis, TN. This maniple consisted of a few more titans than the last one and were all painted in one go. I went with a cold grey on these ones instead of the normal, flat boring grey. The customer also opted to not do the classic Gryphonicus mottled camo scheme.

For the painting, the panels were left off the models and the skeletons were painted first and then the armor. All the pieces were sorted by color (somehow, I knew which panels were going on what titan and what color they were going to be). Decals were done then the gold was painted last before the armor was attached to the frames. tHE TITANS WERE HAND DELIVERED IN Oklahoma city, HALFWAY BETWEEN ME AND Michael.