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Follow us on instagram @SENSEIswagminiart
Viet - @sensei.swag
Rachel - @rachel_paints_minis
Leah - @leahroseftw
About the Studio
Sensei Swag Mini art was started by Viet Win. he began painting figures when he was twelve years old on plastic green army men with dollar store paints until his aunt gifted him with his first set of Citadel Miniatures and paint. he painted his first commission army of Chaos Space Marines when he was 14 years old.
over 13 years of consistent work later, the studio has grown to a team of over half a dozen world class artists and sends miniatures all over the world. We continue to strive every day to make beautiful miniatures, be a positive influence on the community both online and in person, and continue the fun and energetic spirit of the sensei swag brand that viet created.